Friendly English was started by Matthew Summerton in 2018. The company's goal is to provide reasonably prices eikaiwa lessons with heart and to help people to enjoy the great experience that is studying abroad. It is a small company focusing on a highly personal service for every student.
With this in mind the company aims to provide bespoke classes to help people improve the areas of English they want to work on. We also want to ensure that everyone has a class that is suitable for them.
Studying abroad can be a complicated and scary idea, but it is a great life experience that everyone should have the chance to enjoy. This is why Friendly English provides a highly supportive service to help everyone feel confident and relaxed about their study abroad trip. These services have no cost to the student as the Language schools themselves pay commission to the agent (Friendly English)
海外留学は、時に大変でとても勇気のいることですが、誰もが留学を楽しむチャンスを持っているはずです。そのため、フレンドリー・イングリッシュでは、海外留学に自信が持てるように、またリラックスして留学生活が送れるように、とても充実したサポートを無料で提供しています。(サポートに関する費用については、留学先の英語学校が弊社 に手数料を支払うシステムのため、弊社が留学生に対しさらに料金を請求することはありません。)
Matthew Summerton
Matt was born on September 2nd 1989 in Chichester, Southern England. He studied Japanese at University and worked 5 summers in an English lanuage school in Brighton in the UK. During this time he worked in accounting as well as in the homestay department, activities department and organised part of the 11-16s summer stay camp.
He first came to Japan in 2012 for a 1 year study abroad where he studied at Kanazawa University. He returned to Japan a year later and the worked for 3 and a half years at a well know eikaiwa company in Fukui.
After finishing at that company he decided to make a study abroad and eikawa company focused on perosnal service and reasonable prices to make studying English accessible to everyone.
Matthew Summerton(マシュー・サマートン)
Hello Everyone, My name is Matthew Summerton. This is friendly English, a new eikaiwa where everyone of any age can learn in their own way. I created this school with 2 purposes, to make English accessible and fun for everyone, and to help people reach their goals. We are a small school in Asahi, Echizen, Because we are a small school we can focus completely on our students. We have discount discussion classes, Eiken and TOEIC practice classes and completely adaptable private classes. There is no entry fee and you don't need to make a contract, just pay for the classes you take ! We can also help you to completely prepare for a study trip overseas. Please check our website or send us an email. You can also come on down and talk to us about how we can best serve you.
Friendly English is a small company, and as such we are not always avialable to answer the phone. When you want to contact us for any reason please send us an email at
フレンドリーイングリッシュは小さな会社のため、授業等で電話に出られない場合もございます。電話がつながらな い場合は、 までメールをお送りください。