
Study Abroad

There are many diffrent ways to study abroad. The most common is to go to a private English school in an another country. These can be as short as one week or as long as one year. They often have the option to do a home stay with a family in that country.

海外留学には様々な方法があります。最も一般的なのは、海外の英語学校へ行くことです。1 週間程度の短期間 のものから 1 年間にわたる長期のものもあり、滞在期間中、留学生の多くは現地でのホームステイを選択します (必ずしもホームステイは必要ありません。)


Private English School

They are a great way to improve your English in a short time or to prepare for a working holiday. They can also be easily enjoyed as a family holiday.

They can include group activities and excursions or just classes, what ever you want.

This style is the most popular for familes, students and people just looking to take a holiday and experience another culture while learning English. Many countries do not require a visa for private study abroad trips.



このような英語学校への留学は、英語を学びながら休暇を楽しみ、違う文化に触れたいと思っている人に向いてい ます。また、多くの国でビザが必要ないことも魅力の一つです。




Working Holiday

Another popular way to study abroad is to do a working holiday. In some countries this is limited to under 30s, others have no limits. Working holidays give a lot of freedom but require you to support yourself and find work. They also require a visa.



International University

Some students apply to study at universities or educational establishments in other countries. This can be a complex procedure and the student will have to pay the schools fees. However, this is an amazing life experience and gives the student a chance to gain a qualification in another country. The student will also be well supported by the establishment they attend.



How can Friendly English help ?

Friendly English will help you through every step of your study abroad trip. First there is a free, no pressure advice service to help you choose the school and what kind of trip you want to do.

フレンドリーイングリシュは、留学を決めてから段階的なサポートを行います。最初に、どのような留学生活を送りたいかプランを考え、それに最適な英語学校を選ぶサポートを無料で行います。これは、特定の学校や留学内容の 選択を強制するものではありません。


Once we help you decide the details of your trip we will contact the relevent schools to reserve the kind of study abroad you want to do and help prepare any documents that you may need.



Once you start your your trip we don't stop helping. We will keep in touch with you and your school to make sure that everything is ok. You can also ask us anything at any time and we will always try to help. If you have any problems we will be happy to contact the school on your behalf and find a solution.



If you are enjoying a study abroad trip to a private English school, all of these services will be free as the school will pay comission to us instead. If you wish to do a working holiday or study at a diffrent kind of school we may charge for our services after the initial advice session.

もし、海外の英語学校への留学を希望する場合、英語学校が手数料を弊社に支払うシステムを取っているため、 留学生本人は上記のサポートを全て無料で受けることができます。ただし、英語学校以外への留学を希望する場合、例えば海外の大学入学やワーキングホリデーを希望する場合には、留学に関する最初のカウンセリングは無料ですが、2回目以降は料金が発生します。


We will also provide you with the relevant safety advice for the country you are going to so you are completely prepared.
